My new brown boots!

Eccoli...i miei nuovi boots...Oggi nella pausa pranzo volevo postarveli in qualche intrappato la cerniera...e gli ho rotti...Ma cavolo...Oggi proprio è una giornatina un po' sfigatina...Stamattina ho avuto una mega discussione in negozio con una signora maleducatissima che voleva dei soldi indietro...Assurdo...Pensate che voleva cambiare un regalo e al posto di cambiarlo con degli altri capi...voleva i soldi...Ho quasi chiamato i vigili...E poi...Gli stivali che si rompono...Uff...Adesso sono dal ciabattino...Avevo una voglia assurda di metterli...mannaggia...Sabato saranno pronti...

My new brown boots...I wanted to place a few outfits before ... but I framed the zipper ... and I broke!!!! :-( Today is an unlucky day ... This morning in a shop...I had a discussion with a lady...who had to change a present ... but instead of changing it with other leaders ...wanted your money back!!!!! ... And after...that break of the boots!!!Now...are the cobbler!!!Saturday they are ready!!! :-)


  1. Yes to your stripes and yes to these brown boots, you are sooooooooo adorable,

    I haven't had time to reply your email but will do it now!!!!! heeeeeeeeeeeee


  2. Love the boots cant wait to see how you wear them xoxox

  3. love those boots, it is too bad they broke!

    Check out my giveaway, win a studded handbag :)

  4. Love love your boots and I'm sorry about what happened ! Hope your boots will be as new as it was<3 <3

  5. gorgeous boots! good luck with them!

  6. congrats on these beauties.... will you ever take them off? They are just beautiful!
    xoxox alex and amy

  7. Luv them!! Sorry to hear about what happened, hope ur day is better today!! : ) xxx


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